Roy F. Dearmore, Th.B., M.D. Rodgers Baptist Church
P. O. Box 460639, Garland, TX 75046
Introduction, History, and Statistics . . 21-184Chapter One: Introduction . . 23
Chapter Two: History of O.T. Missions . . . . . . . 27
Chapter Three: History of N.T. Missions . . . . . 33
Preapostolic and Apostolic . . 33
The Apostles as Missionaries . . 36Chapter Four:
History of N.T. Missions (Cont.) . . 43Introductory Remarks . . 43
The Ante-Nicene Fathers . . 44
Ante-Nicene Beginnings of
Systemization . . 56
Philo . . 57
Ale.s . . 58
Pan.; Cle. of Alexandria;
Students of Origen . . 65
Her.; Amm.; Dio.;
Gre. Tha.
Prominent Africans . . 67
Tertullian; Cyprian; Arnobius
of Sicca; Lac.
Final Comment on Ante-Nicene Missions . . 70Chapter Five:
History of N.T. Missions (Cont.) . . 71Introduction . . 71
Eus. of Caesarea . . 72
Constantine the Great . . 74
Augustine of Hippo . . 75
Soc. Sch. . . 77Chapter Six:
Early Creeds and Councils as They Affected Missions . . . . 79The Apo.s' Creed . . 79
[...] . . 86Chapter Seven: The Middle Ages . . 89
Introduction . . 89
Overview of the Middle Ages . . 93
Background; Baptism; Other
Doctrinal Departures
Highlights of the Middle Ages . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Anabaptists; Montanists and
Novatians; Donatists; The Papacy;
Paulicians; Waldenses;
Mohamm_dism (Isl_m);
Division of East and West;
Cathari; Inq.; Martyrs;
Mon.ism; Early "Reformers";
John Wyc.; John Huss;
G. (J.) Sav.;
William TyndaleChapter Eight: The Reformation . . 119
Introduction . . 119
Martin Luther . . 120
Ulrich Zwingli . . 123
Menno Simmons . . 123
John Calvin . . 125
John Knox . . 128
Henry VIII . . 128
Congregationalists . . 129
Baptists During the Reformation . . . . . . . . 130
Summary of the Reformation . . . . . . . . . . . 133Chapter Nine:
From Sixteen Hundred and Fifty Through the Millenium . 137Introduction . . 137
From the Reformation to the American
Revolution . . 138Introduction; Catholicism;
Quakers; Baptists; Reformed
Churches; Congregationalists;
Moravian Brethren; Methodists;
Individuals; Associations and
Mission Societies
From the American Revolution to the
Civil War . . 151Introduction; Catholicism;
Quakers; Congregationalism;
Reformed Churches and Lutherans;
Methodists; Campbellites; Mormons;
Adv.ists; Plymouth Brethren;
Charismatics; Baptists; The Anti-
My. Movement; Associations
and My. Societies; Individuals
From the American Civil War through
the Millenium . . 167Introduction; Outside the U.S.;
Roman Catholicism; Pro.s;
Charismatics; Jehovah's Witnesses;
Seventh Day Adventists; Cults;
Isl_m; Baptists; Associations,
Conventions, Boards, and
Parachurch Organizations;
Individuals; The Tribulation and
Chapter Ten: Statistics . . 177
Introduction . . 177
Geography and Population . . 177
Birth Rates and Age Demographics . . . . . . 178
Religions . . 179
Religious Groups (World) . . 179
Subdivisions of "Christians" (World) . . . . . 181
Missions and Evangelism . . 181
Observations and Conclusions . . 183
Sources . . 184Go to: Part Two
Go to: Part Three
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