**List: Shawnee Ministry
the Bible ( the
Bible )
"The Shawnee originally lived in two groups, an
eastern tribe in
what is now South Carolina, and a western tribe in Tennessee.
They migrated northward and westward, finally uniting in Ohio
around 1750, and became known there as a tribe that often took
the warpath against Indian and white settler alike. It was the
Shawnee and their allies under Tecumseh who were defeated at
the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811. Shortly afterward the entire
tribe was settled in Indiana, then Missouri, then Kansas, and
finally in Oklahoma, where about 750 now remain.
The Shawnee speak an Algonquian tongue, which is geographic-
ally grouped with the southeastern languages of this family -
Powhatan, Pamlico, Nanticoke, and
Delaware." --1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only]
**File: Shawnee Bible History (3)--1860
S. Bagster [Info only: Shawanoe.]
publication, St. Matthews Gospel in 1836 at Shawanoe by the
Baptist Mission; tr. by Johnston Lykins and James Andrew Chute. St.
Johns Gospel, American Baptist Board of Foreign Missions,
Indian Territory (Oklahoma), 1846; tr. by Francis
Barker."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
"1842 Matthew Shawanoe Baptist Mission,
Indian Territory
1846 John American Baptist Foreign MS, Stockbridge, Indian
1858? Matthew John (reprinted) ABS, New York
Translated by Johnston Lykins and Francis Barker of the ABFMS,
aided by James A. Chute. In 1836 Matthew, Chaps. 1-17 were
printed to be used until Lykins completed his translation of
Matthew."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
SHAWNEE--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: "1929" John 3:11b-20a
"1929 Gospels Printed privately, Xenia,
Translated by Thomas Wildcat Alford, or Ganwrpiatsikv, a Shawnee
chieftain."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
"1929" Mark 1:2 unknown.]