**List: Nyanja Ministry
Bible ( Baibulo )
(Chi)Nyanja: Eastern...
"The Nyanja language is spoken both south and west
of Lake
Malawi in Malawi and Mozambique. The numerous
dialects are greatly variant, the Eastern form showing particular
divergence. Eastern ChiNyanja is spoken south of Lake Malawi,
as far as Lake Chilwa, and into adjacent Mozambique."--1000 Tongues,
1972 [Info only]
"First publication, St.
Mark’s Gospel in 1891 at Likoma by the Mission
Press; tr. by Chauncy Maples, of the Universities’
Mission to Central
Africa. The Psalms, Likoma, 1893, tr. by Archdeacon W. P.
New Testament, completed by the publication in 1898 of Romans
Revelation, in parts. The Gospels and Acts, BFBS, 1899. [b]ible
completed, mostly locally printed and with some aid from BFBS,
CP: BFBS."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info
NYANJA: Eastern dialect--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: "1912" John
2:22b:-3:4a, 16-22b {incorrect w/o Jesus at John 3:2a}.]
"1891 Mark 1893 Psalms
MP, Likoma
1894 Nehemiah (abridged) BFBS, London
1896 Genesis John 1897 Isaiah Matthew
Luke Acts
1898 Romans-Revelation 1899-1905 Old Testament
(in parts) MP, Likoma
Translated by W. P. Johnson, Universities’ Mission
to Central Africa."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info
UMCA was Anglican.]
"1899 Gospels Acts
BFBS, London
A revision prepared by J. S. Wimbush, UMCA. Numerous other
revisions of parts of the Johnson text, prepared by W. P. Johnson,
Kathleen R. Nixon Smith, H. Barnes, and A. G. B. Glossop, were
published between 1906 and 1911."--1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only: ?]
--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: "1907" Mark 1:2 incorrect (Isaya =
"1940 New Testament BFBS, Likoma
A revision prepared by A. G. B. Glossop. Portions appeared as early
1929."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: ?]
(Chi)Nyanja: Southern...
"Southern Nyanja is the dialect spoken south of
Blantyre in
Malawi. It is also known as
Mang’anja and is only dialectally
variant from ChiNyungwi.
Southern Nyanja is also closely re-
lated to ChiSena."--1000 Tongues,
1972 [Info only]
NYANJA: Southern dialect--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: n.d. Mark
3:35 unknown.]
"1892 Matthew [m]ark 1893 Luke John
1894 Ephesians Philippians Colossians
National BS of Scotland, Edinburgh
Translated by D.[avid] C.[lement] Scott, Church of Scotland
Mission."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
"1892" Mark 1:2 incorrect (m’Hesaia = Isaiah).]
(Chi)Nyanja: Western 992...
(Chi)Nyanja: Union 992A...
"The ‘Union’ version of ChiNyanja has
been described as a literary
language for use by speakers of all the Nyanja dialects. It has
come into use for education, administration, and in the develop-
ing vernacular literature."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"First publication, St.
Matthew’s Gospel, in 1901 by the NBSS &
BFBS (Edinburgh); tr. by the Nyanja Bible Translation
New Testament, 1906. Bible, 1922. Revised edition, 1936.
CP: BFBS: NBSS."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info
UNION NYANJA--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: "1936" John 3:12b-21a,
27-36a {incorrect w/ God 2 times @ John 3:34.}.]
"1901 Matthew 1906 New
Testament 1911 Psalms
1922 Bible 1936 [b]ible (revised
orthography) National BS
of Scotland, BFBS, Edinburgh
Translated by the Nyanja Union Bible Committee. Much of the
actual translation and revision was done by W. H. Murray, Dutch
Reformed Church
Mission."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: "1965" Mark 1:2 incorrect
(m’Yesaya = Isaiah).]
**File: Nyanja Critical Text History