(Chi)Nyanja: Eastern...
"1912 Bible BFBS, London
A revision, edited by K. R. Nixon Smith."--1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only: CT.]
NYANJA: Eastern dialect--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: "1912"
John 2:22b-3:4a, 16-22a {incorrect w/o "Jesus" @ 3:2a}.]
(Chi)Nyanja: Union 992A...
"1936 [g]ospels [a]cts
1946 [g]ospels [a]cts 1960 [r]omans-
1961 [p]salms 1963-1964 [g]ospels (revised)
1966 [b]ible Chapman, London
Translated by Fr. Louis Villy. It was the first translation of the
[b]ible by Roman Catholics to
be published in a vernacular language of
Africa. Numerous editions of [s]cripture narratives in translations
Roman Catholics are also reported; the first, by Fr. Joseph Maze,
appeared as early as 1913."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]