**List: Nogai Ministry
the Bible ( the Bible )
"Nogai, or Noghai, is a Turkic language spoken in the Daghestan
Autonomous Republic and Cherkass (Circassian) Province of the
USSR. Three dialects are still
found: Central Nogai and Black
Nogai in Daghestan, and White Nogai, distinct from the other
two, in Circassia. Nogai literature appeared in the 1920s in
dialects, but a common literary idiom has developed from the
two Nogais. The Scriptures listed are in Arabic Script; in 1937 a
modified Cyrillic alphabet came into use."--1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only]
**File: Nogai Bible History (3)--1860 S.
Bagster [Info only]
"First publication,
the Epistles of St. John in 1659 at London by Jacob Flesher; tr. by
William Seaman. The earliest Bible edition in a Turkish dialect.
New Testament, H. Hall, at the expense of Robert
Boyle, Oxford, 1666."-
-1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
Arabic Character
"1659 1-3 John J. Flesher, London
1666 New Testament H. Hall, Oxford
Translated by William Seaman, rector of Upton Scudamore."--1000
Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
"used the Aramaic Yesû instead of the Arabic
İsâ as the name of Jesus." per April 2014]
"1659 – Kütüb-ü pâklerin Türkî'de bir
nümûdar-ı yahşi: Kadîs Yuhanna Resûlüŋ Türkî
zebâna mütercem olmuş üç risâlesidir / Specimen turcicum S. S.
Scripturæ: sive, tres
epistolæ S. Johannis apostoli turcice redditæ (A good sample of the
holy books in
Turki: Three letters of St. John the Apostle translated in the Turki
language). Translated
by William Seaman. London: Jacob Flesher."--HTBTs, April 2014
[Info only]
"1666 – İncil-i Mukaddes : yani lisan-ı
Türkî’ye tercüme olunan bizim Rabbimiz Yesû
Mesih’iŋ yeŋi ahid ve vasiyeti (Holy Gospel: or the new covenant and
testament of our
Lord Jesus Christ translated into Turki). Translated by William
Seaman. Oxford: Henry
Hall, Printer to the University."--HTBTs, April 2014 [Info only]
"Brunton Version: St.
Matthews Gospel, Karass,
1807; tr. by Henry Brunton of the Scottish Mission at Karass; New
Testament, with type and paper supplied by the BFBS, 1813."--1000
Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
"1807 Matthew 1813 New
Testament Printed privately,
Translated by Henry Brunton, Scottish Mission."--1000 Tongues,
1972 [Info only]
son Version: the Psalms, Astrakhan, 1815; tr. by John Dickson of the
Scottish Mission; Genesis to Judges chapters 1-4:14; 1825; New Testa-
ment, (a revision of Bruntons version),
1825."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
"1815 Psalms 1825 New Testament
Genesis-Judges 4:14 Printed privately, Astrakhan
Translated by J. Dickson, Scottish Mission."--1000 Tongues,
1972 [Info only:
ARABIC CHARACTER "1825" Mark 1:2 unknown.]
NOGAI TURKISH--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: Arabic characters
"1925" Mark 3:34-4:1 unknown.]