Maninka Bible History (1) ![]()
Useful Resources
**List: Maninka Ministry
the Bible ( the Bible )
"Maninka, Malinke, or Meninka, is one of a group of widely-
spoken dialects (see Mandinka, Bambara, and Kuranko) common
to almost 500,000 people in Guinea, Portuguese Guinea,
Gambia, and Senegal. The usage of the Maninka Scriptures is
the southern dialect, spoken in the inland half of Guinea, with
Kankan as its approximate center. An eastern dialect is also
distinguished, which shades into the southern dialect in the
Siguiri area. The eastern dialect, mutually intelligible with the
southern dialect, is spoken as far north as Bamako, where it
shades into Bambara. There are sufficient grammatical, vocabu-
lary, and pronunciation differences in the two dialects to make
mutual comprehension difficult."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"First publication, St. Marks Gospel in 1924
at Kankan, French Guinea, by the Christian and My. Alliance.
New Testament, 1930; tr. by Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ellenberger, L. E.
Ryan, A. E. Loose, Rev. R. S. Roseberry and Clara Klint. Genesis,
1931 (in Arabic script, 1932); tr. by Mrs. Ellenberger. Daniel and
Jonah, 1934; tr. by Mr. Ryan."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]MENINKA--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: Roman characters n.d. John 3:16-20 unknown; used Alla.]
MENINKA--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: Arabic characters "1932" Genesis 1:1-2 unknown.]
Roman Character unless noted
"1931 Genesis John 1932 Genesis John (Arabic script)
1932-1934 New Testament 1933 Matthew John (revised)
1934 Daniel Jonah Mimeographed in Kankan
194? Psalms Christian and My. Alliance, Kankan
1942 New Testament (revised) ABS, NBSS, New York
1947 Numbers 1948 Joshua 1949 Exodus
CMA, Kankan
1964 Exodus (revised) 1966 [n]ew [t]estament (2nd revision)
SSB en Afrique Occidentale, Abidjan
Translated by mies. of the CMA, primarily Ruth Ellenberger,
with my. colleagues including L. E. and C. E. Ryan, A. E.
Loose, C. C. Ellenberger, and, earlier, R. J. Adam."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
ARABIC CHARACTER "1932" Genesis 1:1-2 unknown.
Roman Character "1966" Mark 1:2 incorrect (nabi Ésaïe = prophet Isaiah); used Alla @ Mark 1:1.]
[Chr. Helps Ministry (USA)] [Chr. Home Bible Course]