**List: Luo Ministry
the Bible ( al-Kitap )
"The more than 750,000 Luo are also known as
‘Nilotic Kavi-
rondo’, for they live both north and south of Kavirondo Gulf, in
southwestern Kenya. Thus they
are the most southerly of the
Nilotic peoples. They are an agriculture people, living on the
grassy savannah along the shores of Lake Victoria. Their language
is related to Acholi, Lango, and Lwo, within the Western
Nilotic group of the Eastern Sudanic
languages."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"First publica-
tion, St. Mark’s Gospel in 1911 by the BFBS; tr. by Mr. A. Morrison,
Government Magistrate at Nairobi, Archdeacon J. J. Willis, and E.
Pleydell of the CMS."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
"1911 Mark 1912 Luke
John BFBS, London
Translated by J. J. Willis and A. E. Pleydell, Church MS."--
1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"1914 Matthew BFBS, London
Translated by A. A. Carscallen, Seventh Day
Adventist Mission."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info
"1915 Acts BFBS, London
Translated by J. F. Clarke, Africa Inland
Mission."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"[n]ew [t]estament, BFBS, 1926;
tr. by Mr.
Pleydell."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
LUO--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: n.d. John 3:12-21 unknown.]
"1917 Mark Luke John
(revised) James 1921 Romans-
Philippians Titus James 1924 John
1926 [n]ew [t]estament BFBS, London
Translated by A. E. Pleybell, CMS."--1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only:
"1926" Mark 1:2 incorrect (Isaya janabi = Isaiah prophet).]
"Genesis, (Gendia
printed) 1933; tr. by Miss G. Clarke, of
the Seventh Day
Adventist Mission. CP: BFBS."--1000 Tongues, 1939
[Info only]
"1933 Genesis BFBS, London
Translated by Grace A. Clarke, SDAM."--1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only]
"1953 Old Testament BFBS, London
Translated by Grace A. Clarke, SDAM, W. E. Owen,
CMS, and H.
Capen, AIM."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
"1962-1964 Mark-John (revised)
BS in East Africa, Nairobi
Revised by A. W. Mayor, CMS, assisted by my. colleagues of
the CMS, AIM, and Swedish Lutheran
Mission, and others."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]