Baya Bible History: no date

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**List: Baya Ministry

the Bible ( the Bible )
Baya: Gbéa...
"The Baya, or Gbaya, languages are spoken by about 350,000
people in the central and western parts of the Central African
and in adjacent Cameroun.   In general, the many
dialects in use among the Gbaya groups are mutually intelligible.
The Baya dialects belong to the Adamawa Eastern language

The Gbéa dialect is understood by about 75,000 people in the
west-central regions of the Central African Republic.   Initial
translations were prepared in the idiom of the M’poko River
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only]

BAYA: Gbéa dialect--1000 Tongues, 1939   [Info only: n.d. Mark 3:35 unknown.]

"1934 [m]ark   1938 John   1942 Acts   1947 John (revised and
corrected)   1952 Matthew   BFBS, London
Translated by Chauncey B. and Hattie C. Sheldon, Oubangi-Chari
Mission, assisted by Jean Boice, J. Fielinga, and André Nguede.
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only:
"1934" Mark 1:2 incorrect (prophète Ésaïe = prophet Isaiah).]

Baya: Kalla...
"The Kalla Baya dialect is understood by about 100,000 Bayas
living in the western regions of the Central African Republic,
west of Bouar, and in adjacent areas of Cameroun."
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only]

"1938 John   1948 [m]ark   Sudan Mission, Meiganga
1954 Gospels   Acts   BFBS, London
1968 New Testament   SB Cameroun-Gabon, Yaoundé
Translated by A. E. Gunderson, Andrew Ikland, A. A. Anderson,
Lloyd V. Sand, John Watne, and M. Nostbakken, Lutheran Mission.
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only:
"1948" Mark 1:2 incorrect (prophete Esaie = prophet Isaiah).]

Baya: Mbéré...
"The Mbéré Baya dialect is spoken on both sides of the Cameroun-
Central Africa border.   It is a geographical term, referring to the
mutually understood dialects of several Baya groups of the
Mbéré River area."
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only]

BAYA: Mbere dialect--1000 Tongues, 1939   [Info only: n.d. Mark 3:35 unknown.]

"1933 [m]ark   Acts   1935 John   Romans   BFBS, London
1947-194? 1, 2 Corinthians   Ephesians-Philemon
James-Revelation   Swedish Baptist MP, Carnot
194? Matthew   Luke   John (revised)   not published
1951 New Testament BFBS, London
Translated by John Hilberth, Helma Ekroth, Yngve Johannsson, and
Elsa Karlsson, Örebro Mission, with the assistance of Hector Makoe,
Verner Secte, and Zoalo.
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only:
"1933" Mark 1:2 incorrect (prophète Esai = prophet Isaiah).]

[Chr. Helps Ministry (USA)] [Chr. Home Bible Course]