Elias Riggs: 12/7/2019 My. Elias Riggs
TurkeyC. H. M. disclaimer . *=Library, **=Online
*Book: My. Stories with the Millers (1993) Mildred A. Martin [pp. 125-129: A FORTRESS IN THE CHURCH.]
Armenian: Modern Western...
"1853 Bible ABS, Smyrna
Translated by an Armenian, with the help of mies. of the
ABCFM, primarily Elias Riggs. The N.T. was the 1842 Adger re-
vised text. Became the standard Western Armenian Bible; often re-
printed. A revision was attempted in 1883, but only the Gospels were
published."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]Bulgarian...
"1866 New Testament BFBS, ABS, Constantinople
1871 Bible BFBS, Constantinople
Revised by Bulgarians named Slaviekoff and Michaeloffski, andrevised by E.[lias] Riggs and A. L. Long, American Methodist Episcopal
--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
Mission. A further revised Bible appeared in 1874."
Mr. Costovich too per 1939.]*File: Bulgarian E. Riggs N.T. (1867) ABS, BFBS [Info only: Mark 1:2 correct (prophets); Acts 8:37, 1 Timothy 3:16, & 1 John 5:7 all correct.]
"1866 Psalms (Greek character)
1869 Bible (Greek character) BFBS, Istanbul
A revision of the BFBS text by Elias Riggs, ABCFM."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
[Christian Helps Ministry (USA)] [Christian Home Bible Course] [Armenian Ministry] [Bulgarian Ministry] [Turkish Ministry]