Jacob ben Chayyim: 1470 - 1538 ![]()
Rabbi Jacob ben Chayyim C. H. M. disclaimer. *=Library, **=Online
*File: Hebrew Chayyim O. T. (1545) ARC, Web [2003 Scan.]
RabbinicBible.Tanakh.BenChayyim.Bomberg.1545.pdfBooklet/*File: "FOUR REASONS for DEFENDING THE KING JAMES BIBLE" (7-21-1993) Pastor Donald A. Waite [brief summary] [ DKJB ]
[p. 5: "The true text of Ben Chayyim on which our KING JAMES BIBLE is based is also available. It is called the Daniel Bomberg edition or the Second Great Rabbinic Bible (1524-25). We carry this Hebrew Bible in the BIBLE FOR TODAY ministry. It is the Letteris text, printed in 1866. It has the Masoretic Hebrew text in the center and the KING JAMES BIBLE in the margins. This Ben Chayyim Masoretic Hebrew text was the unquestioned Hebrew text for the next 400 years."
p. 7: "The Ben Chayyim Hebrew Old Testament Text Is Available Today. I hope that the American Bible Society and the British and Foreign Bible Society keep printing and circulating this Letteris Hebrew text. That's what they call it, the Letteris text of 1866."]**Book: INTRODUCTORY Guide to the Old Testament (1951) Merrill F. Unger (generally o.k. if KJV)
[p. 141: 4. The Standard Printed Edition of the Massoretic Text.
... of Jacob Ben Chayyim published at Venice
1525-1526 in four volumes. This venture was sponsored by
D. Bomberg, who had previously sponsored his first Rabbinical
Bible in 1516-1517. ... It was also used by C. D. Ginsburg (1894 and 1926).
... It is the basis of the manual
edition of J. Buxdorf (Basel, 1611) and, finally, of A. Hahn
(1832, 1833, and 1868) and M. Letteris (Vienna, 1852),
which was reprinted in 1866 by the Britsh and Foreign
Bible Society.]*File: A Brief History of the Hebrew Bible (after 1998) Debra E. Anderson, TBS (London, England) [Info only]
["The first portion of the Hebrew text to be printed was a Psalter in 1477. Others followed, including a complete Old Testament in 1488. In 1494 the Old Testament was published by Soncino, which became the standard edition for some years and was used by Luther in his German translation. The year 1517 brought some of the most important work on the printed Hebrew text. That year saw the publication of the Complutensian Polyglot and the first Rabbinic Bible. The Polyglot's Hebrew text was without accents, and the vowel points were unreliable, but the consonantal text proved to be very accurate. More important was the first Biblia Rabbinica, edited by Felix Pratensis, a Jewish Christian, and published by Daniel Bomberg. This edition placed chapter and verse numbers in the margin and included quality Masoretic information.The most important edition of the Hebrew Old Testament to be published before the 20th century was the second Rabbinic Bible of Jacob ben Chayim (or Hayyim), published by Bomberg in 1524- 5. Ben Chayim, using money provided by Bomberg, collected as many manuscripts of the Old Testament as possible from around the world and collated them to produce the most complete Bible available. It was the first to present a complete Masorah and was the only authorised Masoretic recension, and in time became the 'textus receptus' of the Old Testament. It was published and reprinted more or less as it stood in numerous well-known editions, including such editions as Plantin 1566, Hutter 1587, Buxtorf 1619, Athias 1611, Leusden 1667, van der Hooght 1705, Kennicott 1780, Letteris 1852 and our own Ginsburg 1894/1998,"
....]*Book: ... T. H. S. ... (1917, 1951) J. P. S. A. [Info only.]
p. ix "Jacob ben Haim Ibn Adonijah, the editor of the second Rabbinic Bible."
"... C. D. Ginsburg."
"1482 Pentateuch A.[braham] ben Chayim [dei Tintori], Bologna
The first printed Pentateuch in Hebrew. Published at the expense of
Joseph ben Abraham Caravita. Contains the Rashi commentary and
the Targum of Onkelos."--The Book of a Thousand Tongues Revised Edition (1939 ABS, 1972 UBS) [Info only]
"1516 Old Testament D. Bomberg, Venice
The first of several important editions prepared and printed by Daniel
Bomberg. The 1517 edition was known as the first Biblia Rabbinica,
edited by Felix Pratensis. The 1525 edition (2nd Biblia Rabbinica),
was the first to include the Masora, edited by Jacob ben Chayim; the
1528 edition combined elements of the Pratensis and ben Chayim texts
and was influential among the Reformers. A 3rd Biblia Rabbinica,
edited by C. Adelkind, appeared in 1548. The 4th, edited by A. ben
Joseph Salam and Isaac ben Gerson, was published in 1568."--The Book of a Thousand Tongues Revised Edition (1939 ABS, 1972 UBS) [Info only]
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