Tzotzil Bible History (1)

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**List: Tzotzil Ministry

the Bible ( the Bible )
Tzotzil: Chamula...
"Tzotzil is spoken by almost 75,000 Indians in west-central
Chiapas, Mexico, in general west of the Tzeltal-speaking area.
Dialectal variations are common, and, although most are
mutually intelligible, some dialects have been considered
separate tongues (e.g., Chamula, Zinacanteco, Huixteco).
Tzotzil is a Mayan language.

The Chamula Tzotzil dialect is spoken with local differences by
about 25,000 Indians in or around Chamula (Bohom), Chiapas."
-- 1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only]

"1965 [m]ark (with Spanish)   SB en México
Translated by Kenneth Jacobs, WBT."
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only:
"1965" Mark 1:2 incorrect (Isaíase = Isaiah).   WBT uses W&H / CT.]

Tzotzil: Chenalhó...
"The Chenalhó Tzotzil dialect is spoken by about 8,000 Indians in
Chenalhó, Chiapas, northeast of Chumula."
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only]

Diglot with Spanish
"1963 [m]ark   1964 1-3 John   SB en México
1966 Acts SB de México
Translated by Kenneth and Nadine Weathers, WBT."
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only:
"1963" Mark 1:2 incorrect (Isaías = Isaiah).]

Tzotzil: Huixtán...
"The Huixtán Tzotzil dialect is spoken by 5,000 to 8,000 Indians
in and around Huixtán, Chiapas, Mexico.   It is also known as
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only]

Diglot with Spanish
"1959 John   1960 Acts   ABS, Mexico
1962 Matthew   1963 1 John   SB en México
1967 1 Thessalonians-2 Timothy   James   1 Peter
SB de México
Translated by Marion Cowan, WBT."
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only:
"1959" John 2:1-4 unknown.]

Tzotzil: Larráinzar...
"The Larráinzar, or San Andrés, Tzotzil dialect is spoken by
20,000 or more Indians in and around Larráinzar, Chiapas,
northwest of Chamula."
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only]

Diglot with Spanish
"1963 Matthew   1965 John   SB en México
Translated by Colin Delgaty, WBT."
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only:
"1965" John 2:1-4 unknown.]

Tzotzil: Zinacantán...
"The Zinacantán Tzotzil dialect is spoken by about 8,000 Indians
in the Las Casas District of Chiapas, Mexico.   It is sometimes
known as Zinacanteco."
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only]

"1951 [m]ark (with Spanish)   ABS, Mexico
Translated by Kenneth and Nadine Weathers, WBT."
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only:
"1951" Mark 1:2 incorrect (Isais = Isaiah).]

[Christian Helps Ministry (USA)] [Christian Home Bible Course]