Orominay / Oromo Bible History (3)

**List: Oromo Ministry

the Bible ( the Bible )


   The Gospels of St. Matthew, St. Luke, and St. John, the Epistle to the Romans, and the book of
Genesis, were translated into Galla by Dr. Krapf during his residence in Shoa, between the years 1839
and 1842.   The Gospel of St. Matthew and five chapters of the Gospel of St. John were printed in
Roman letters, the copies being designed for distribution among the Galla tribes around Shoa
, where
the Church My. Society contemplated the establishment of a mission.   The opposition of the
Abyssinian priesthood led, however, to the abandonment, in 1844, of the Shoa mission, and the station
was accordingly transferred to the Wanika country (southward of the equator and beyond the limits of
the Galla nation), whence it was hoped that opportunities for a wider dissemination of the holy volume
than that originally contemplated by the Society might accrue.   By aid of the rivers that enter the
Indian Ocean upon that portion of the coast, it was thought that a road to the interior might be found,
which would not only bring the mies. again into communication with the savage Galla tribes, but
would enable them to commence the realisation of the idea--for a time fondly indulged in--of a chain
of mission stations across the entire breadth of the African continent.   But these hopes--like so many
others that have been formed in connection with this benighted land--have been doomed to be dis-
appointed, and all access to the interior of Africa from this direction is, for a time at least, closed."
--The Bible of Every Land. (1860, Second Edition)   Samuel Bagster   [Info only]

GALLA. 1860   S. Bagster   [Info only: n.d. Matthew 5:1-12 unknown.]

[Christian Helps Ministry (USA)] [Christian Home Bible Course]