Mapuche Bible History (1)

Useful Resources

**List: Mapuche Ministry

the Bible ( [la Biblia] )
"Mapuche is a name applied generally to the more than 200,000
Araucanian Indians who inhabit the Andean highlands of central
Chile and adjacent Argentina, and to their language.   Differences
occur in the dialects, but all are mutually intelligible."
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only]

       "First publication, St. Luke’s Gospel,
    the Acts, Genesis, chapters 1-3, and Revelation, chapters 19-22, with
    scattered verses, in 1901 at Temuco by the Araucanian Mission, by
    Charles A. Sadleir, of the South American My. Society.   St. John’s
    Gospel, 1918; St. Mark’s Gospel, BFBS
    (Santiago printed), 1926; St.
    Matthew’s Gospel
    (Temuco printed), 1930."
    --1000 Tongues, 1939   [Info only]

MAPUDUNGU or MAPUCHE--1000 Tongues, 1939   [Info only: n.d. Mark 3:35 unknown.]

"1901 Luke   Acts   1918 John   MP, Temuco
1926 [m]ark   1930 Matthew   BFBS
Translated by Charles A. Sadleir, South American MS, assisted by
Ambrosio Pailalef, an Araucanian chieftain.
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only:
"1926" Mark 1:2 incorrect (Isaías = Isaiah).]

[Christian Helps Ministry (USA)] [Christian Home Bible Course]