**List: Kikuyu Ministry
the Bible ( the Bible )
"Kikuyu, or Gikuyu, is spoken by at least
1,250,000 people in
upland areas north and northeast of Nairobi, Kenya. Renowned
as the most powerful people of northern East Africa, the
Kikuyu early in the 20th century resisted British appropriation of
lands they considered theirs. Their continuing resentment mani-
fested itself in nationalist political movements, culminating in
the MauMau uprising of the 1950s. KiKikuyu is a Bantu tongue,
related to KiTharaka,
KiKamba, and
KiMeru."--1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only]
"First publication, St.
Johns Gospel in
1903 by the BFBS; tr. by A. W. McGregor of the CMS. St.
Gospel, NBSS, 1909; tr. by A. Ruffell Barlow, Church of Scotland
Mission;"--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
"1903 John BFBS, London
Translated by A. W. McGregor, Church MS."--1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only]
"1909 Mark National BS of Scotland,
Translated by A. R. Barlow, Church of Scotland Mission."--1000
Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"1912 Philippians Africa Inland Mission, Kijabe
Translated by F. H. McKenrick, AIM."--1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only]
"St. Matthews Gospel,
BFBS and NBSS, 1916; tr. by Rev.
H. Leakey, CMS; St. Lukes Gospel, 1916; tr. by Dr. J. Henderson,
Africa Inland Mission. New Testament, BFBS, 1926; tr. by a
committee headed by Canon Leakey and Mr. Barlow. Jonah, at the
Africa Inland Mission Press, Kijabe, Kenya, 1928; Numbers, BFBS and
NBSS, Kijabe, 1934; Exodus, BFBS, Kijabe; Joshua, Judges and Ruth,
BFBS and NBSS, Kijabe, 1935; Psalms, BFBS, 1936; Genesis, BFBS
and NBSS, Kijabe, 1936: all tr. by a committee.
CP: BFBS, NBSS."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info
KIKUYU--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: "1936" John 3:13b-28a
"1915 Matthew Luke 1917-
1921 Gospels (revised)
BFBS, NBSS, London
1922 Acts BFBS, London
1923 Jonah 1924 Genesis AIM, Kijabe
1926 New Testament BFBS, NBSS, London
1934 Exodus Numbers 1935 Joshua-Ruth
1936 New Testament (revised) Genesis Psalms
NBSS, London
1941 Daniel Obadiah Haggai CMS, Nairobi
1948 Psalms (revised) 1951 Old Testament BFBS,
Translated by mies. of the CMS, CSM, AIM, and Assemblies
of God Mission: primarily A. R. Barlow, H. Leakey, L. H. Downing,
J. Henderson, F. H. McKenrick, and R. G. M. Calderwood."--1000
Tongues, 1972 [Info only: ?]
"1962 Mark 1963 Matthew
1964 John 1965 [b]ible (O.T.
corrected, N.T. revised) BS in East Africa, Nairobi
Revised and corrected by Ayubu Kinyua, Neshullam Wachira, and
R. G. M. Calderwoord."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
"1965" Mark 1:2 incorrect (Isaia ũrĩa mũnabii = Isaiah