was not until the 18th century that an effort was made to evalu-
ate the existing texts and to prepare a critical Hebrew
Scholars now have at their disposal textual readings from a
number of sources: Hebrew manuscripts, the early versions, and
the daughter translations." --1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only:
Beware of Unholy hands on God's Holy Book!]
"1514-1517 Old Testament Alcala
The Complutensian Polyglot,
first of the great polyglots. The Hebrew
text (vols. 1-4) was edited by Juan and Pedro de Vergara,
Alphonso de
Zamora, Alphonso de Alcala, and Pablo Coronel."--1000 Tongues,
[Info only:
COMPLUTENSIAN POLYGLOT "1514-1517" 1st page of Genesis unknown.]
Polyglot 1514. [Info only]
publication of any part of the New Testament: St. Matthews
Gospel, in 1537 at Basle by Henricus Petrus; tr. by Shem Tob b.
Shaprut, a Jew of Tudela in Castile, Spain, in the middle of the
century, edited by S. Münster."--1000 Tongues, 1939
[Info only:
1537 [m]atthew was Latin Vulgate based per S. Bagster]
"1537 [m]atthew H. Petrus,
First portion of the N.T. published in Hebrew, edited from the 14th-
century translation of Shem Tob ben Shaprut, by Sebastian
Another version, prepared by J. Quinquarboreus, was published in
Paris in 1551. A rendering from another Ms., edited by J. du
was published in Paris, 1555."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info
"A translation of the four [g]ospels
into biblical Hebrew was made by Joannes Baptista Jonas,
a converted Jew, and Professor of Hebrew at the University of Rome: he
dedicated it to Pope
Clement IX., and it was published at Rome in 1668, at the expense of the
Congregation de Propaganda
Fide."--1860 S. Bagster [Info only]
"1790 Pentateuch
The first printing of the Samaritan Pentateuch, edited
by B.
To be differentiated from the Samaritan Targum, treated under
Samaritan."--1000 Tongues,
1972 [Info only]
Pentateuchus hebreao-samaritanus, charactere
hebraeo-chaldaico; ed. cura et studio Benjamini
Blayney... (Oxonii, ex typographeo Clarendoniano, 1790)
[Info only]
"Other versions of the
New Testament: Salkin-
son: Romans, R. Young, Edinburgh, 1855; tr. by Isaac Salkinson; New
Testament, Trinitarian Bible Society, London, 1885;
completed by Chris-
tian David Ginsburg."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info
I. Salkinson & C. D. Ginsburg NT has some CT.]
"Old Testament:
Rud. Kittel (1906, re-edited by P. Kahle, and A. Alt and O.
Eissfeldt, 1937)."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only:
CT. See DAW below.]
"1905-1906 Old
Testament Leipzig
Edited by a committee under the supervision of Rudolf Kittel; it
included V. Ryssel, J. W. Rothstein, W. Nowak, Fr. G. Beer,
G. Delman, M. Löhr, and Fr. Buhl."-
-1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
pro-Critical Text (CT) footnotes.]
"Torah, Neviʼim u-Khetuvim = Biblia hebraica
adjuvantibus professoribus G. Beer, F. Buhl, G.
Dalman, S.R. Driver, M. Löhr, W. Nowack, I.W. Rothstein, V. Ryssel
edidit Rud. Kittel. (Lipsiae, J.C. Hinrichs, 1913 [c1912])"
[Info only:
Kittel, etc. had been seeking to change God's word (O.T.).]
"An enlarged and improved
edition in four volumes was
published by the BFBS; the Prophets, 1911; the remainder of the Old
Testament, 1926, completed after the death of Dr. Ginsburg by Rev.
H. E. Holmes and Professor A. S. Geden."--1000 Tongues, 1939
[Info only:
What changes did BFBS print?]
"1908-1926 Old Testament BFBS, London
Edited by C. D. Ginsberg
until his death in 1914, and thereafter by
H. E. Holmes and A. S. Geden."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info
C. D. Ginsburg (1926) Masorah notations & RB2.]
"1937 [o]ld [t]estament Württemberg BS,
The third edition of Kittels text, edited by P. Kahle, A. Alt, and
Eissfeldt. Based on the Leningrad ben Asher text [CHM note: REVISED ben Asher text], with critical
apparatus for Mss. and versional variants separated from the textual
emendations. It became and remains the standard critical
text."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
the false UBS Hebrew OT. See DWC.
There are at least 8 differences between RB2 & Kittel's BHS3 per The KINGS
HEBREW--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: KITTEL-KAHLE TEXT
"1951" Genesis 1:1-4 CT.]
"1958 Old Testament BFBS, London
Edited for the BFBS by Norman H. Snaith. In 1959 an edition
consisting of the Snaith O.T. and the Delitzsch
N.T., in one volume,
was published in Israel. This was the first Hebrew Bible
both Testaments to be produced in that country."--1000 Tongues,
1972 [Info only]
Hebrew N. H. Snaith O.T. (1958) BFBS [Info only: per USB,
"The Hebrew Scriptures (Snaith)
This Hebrew text is the Ben Asher text, based
on Sephardic manuscripts, especially the
British Library Manuscript Or. 2626-8.
1958. 18.5 x 12 cm. 1362 p.
Cloth hardcover
BFBS 000299 0564000299"
M. Koren (1962) [Info only: RB2.]
HEBREW--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: SALKINSON-GINSBURG TEXT
"1962" Mark 1:2 incorrect (ישעיה =
CHM update: Mr. Kittel appears to have been an unbeliever. See
evidence below.
KING JAMES BIBLE" (7-21-1993) D. A. Waite [brief summary]
["The Two Competing Hebrew Old Testament Texts. There are
two basic texts in existence in Hebrew, the false
one, edited by Ben Asher, and the true one, edited by Ben Chayyim.
The Ben Asher is exhibited in Rudolf Kittel's BIBLIA
HEBRAICA (BHK) (1937) with all of his suggested footnote changes, as well as
in the Stuttgart edition of BIBLIA HEBRAICA (BHS) (1967-77) with all of their
suggested footnote changes. The true text of Ben Chayyim on which our
KING JAMES BIBLE is based is also available. It is called the Daniel Bomberg
edition or the Second Great Rabbinic Bible (1524-25). We carry this Hebrew
Bible in the BIBLE FOR TODAY ministry. It is the Letteris text, printed in
1866. It has the Masoretic Hebrew text in the center and the KING JAMES BIBLE
in the margins. This Ben Chayyim Masoretic Hebrew text was the unquestioned
Hebrew text for the next 400 years. Nobody questioned it. In fact, Rudolf Kittel, in his first two editions of 1906 and
1912, used that text in his BIBLIA HEBRAICA. It was
not until 1937, that he switched Hebrew texts and substituted the spurious and
inferior text which uses
the Leningrad Manuscript (B19a or "L"). He used this because he claimed it
was the oldest single Hebrew manuscript, dating from about 1008 A.D.
Both of these false BIBLIA HEBRAICA (BHK & BHS) Hebrew texts offer in
their footnotes about fifteen to twenty suggested changes per page. This adds
up to about 20,000 to 30,000 changes in the entire Hebrew Old Testament text.
One or the other of these false Hebrew texts, either BHK or BHS, are used as
the basis for the Old Testament in virtually all modern versions , as
can be shown by reading their introductory pages."]
CHM warning: A modern Hebrew NT (1976, 1995, 2010) with Isaiah at Mark 1:2
is from the wrong (W&H) text.
*File: Ginsburg Hebrew
New Testament (2004-2005) [Info only:
some "critical text" according to TBS in 1963.]