Final Exam Missions Tech II - Fall 1997 Name ______________________________________ Box ________________
Essay Question: This is a Two part question. On page one
write your comments or Thoughts about the best
missions methods now being used by present day
missionaries. On page two give your Thoughts on how
we can reach the World with the Gospel, (Methods) in as
quick a time as possible.[The best missions methods being used today are those that are really
involved in prayer. Of course, the leadership of the Holy Spirit
and a Bible basis that is stressed are also time proven.
Missionaries that are sent out by one particular Baptist
church seem to be used more by God. Cooperation in getting
the missionary to the field between churches works o.k. provided
helping churches continue to be informed after the missionary
party gets there. If the methods can get the
whole church involved I think we will do better. Deputation
is useful but it seems to be too long (time-wise) for
those missionaries desiring to go to Japan or any other
Asiatic country. Methods that take the time to find out
where the interested people are saves precious time
in the long run. We need to reach the reachable and teach
those who are teachable. Methods that emphasize
daily witnessing to people you come across are
good. What we need is more Bible preaching without
compromise whatsoever. We need to pray for our
present labourers at home and abroad. --KL Paulson]
2 [I think many of us are dreaming about an easy
way where the lost sinners just come flocking
to our churches. Sorry, I find Paul and the rest
of the N.T. saints labouring . . . working daily. The old ways
that emphasized the putting the Lord first in our
lives cannot be improved on. We need to
put the Great Commission more into practice.
We need a revival of prayer and Holy Ghost power
that wakes us up. Personalized offers for Bible
study and teaching need to be included. Sound Baptist
materials in print need to be written and distributed.
Baptists need to start moving out and reaching folks
for Christ again. Gospel radio and correspondance
courses need to be used even in seemingly "Christianized"
nations (e.g. America). People need to get rid of
just their Sunday-going-only-to-church idea. The Internet
should be used . . . and not just centered on English-speaking
people as it is now. We need to get back to
the Baptist church trained disciples who learn
how to preach under a preacher or missionary
who has gained practical experience as a Baptist
church planter. We need solid on fire
preaching that moves men to serve and love
God better. The true Gospel needs to be
known including repentance and faith. --KL Paulson]