Milton Martin
II Cor. 10:3,4 For though we walk in the flesh, we
do not war after the flesh: (For the
weapons of our warfare are not
carnal, but mighty through God to
the pulling down of strong holds;)Eph. 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh
and blood, but against
principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of
this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places.There is a war in the spiritual realm, but it is a war
already won by the Lord Jesus on Calvary. This victory is
only applied to the present world need as we perseveringly
and believingly pray. As we pray, we stand on victory
ground, and can shout the hallelujah of victory whatever
seeming setbacks and trials come upon the work of God.Prayer is a mystery. God is all powerful, yet He
desires our prayers to accomplish His work in the world.
A prayer inspired by the Holy Spirit has a part in forming
the eternal decrees of God. Prayer unites puny men to
almighty God in a miraculous partnership. It is the most
noble and most essential ministry God gives to His children
-- but it is the most neglected. May God make us real
intercessors as we turn to the world in its great need. May
God convict us of the awful sinfulness of lack of prayer. I
Sam. 12:23 Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin
against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach
you the good and the right way:PRAY FOR YOUR MISSIONARIES:
- Culture shock. Over one-quarter of all missionaries
who return prematurely from the field do so because
they could not adapt to new languages, foods, and
customs. Humility is needed to adapt to and respect
the cultures of those to whom the Lord has sent them.
2. Protection from Satan's attacks. The powers of
darkness are very real. Pray for authority to resist the
Devil and to spoil his goods.3. The protection of his mind. The Devil uses
discouragement, loneliness, lack of fruit, and evil
thoughts to make the missionary useless for the Lord's
work.4. His health. In a climate possibly very different to his
homeland, he is exposed to many and varied exotic
diseases to which he has no or very little resistance.
Sickness has shortened the careers of many
missionaries.5. Brokenness - in dealing with national believers and
fellow workers, having difficult orders from those in
authority, and also "impossible" home conditions. Pray
that all these trials may drive him to a dependence on
Christ alone.6. The love of God for sinners. Human pity and love are
insufficient; only the constraining love of Christ can
help a missionary love the unlovely.7. The anointing of God in his ministry and also the
constant knowledge of God's will in the big and small
events of his life.8. Lack of personal discipline - in having a devotional
time, in the study of the language and customs of the
people, in the use of time. These, as well as
overworking, cause many missionaries to fail on the
field. Pray for the effective and wise use of time.9. His family. There is often an inadequate family life
with many separations. The wife is often alone with
insufficient money and few conveniences. The children
are often separated from their parents for long periods
and become rebellious and resentful in their teens.
Pray that missionary families may be an effective
witness of all that a Christian family ought to be, since
believers saved out of a heathen background often have
low standards of marriage.
10. Priorities in service. He needs clear objectives in his
ministry and the time to reach them. Interruptions,
trials, and trivialities are common! He needs a sense
of urgency and a proper perspective of his purpose and
goals for his particular field and country. He must
work with definite and specific plans since his time on
the field can suddenly be terminated.11. His financial need. Many live poorly and sacrificially
by the standards of their homeland but magnificently in
the eyes of local national people. Pray for a right
balance in the use of money and possessions and the
supply of all his needs.12. Failures in personal relationships between missionaries
and nationals are the source of many missionary
casualties. The grace of God is needed to live in
harmony and close spiritual fellowship with other
workers.13. Furloughs are longed for but are often a great
disappointment. Lack of interest from believers and
churches, ignorance of the true world conditions on the
part of believers and churches, adaptation to a changed
homeland, much traveling and separation from family
due to having to report to churches when rest, spiritual
revival, and refreshment is the need.14. Revival. The constant need of both missionaries and
churches all over the world.Missionary Milton Martin
THE CRY OF THE LOST Do you hear the cry of the lost
Who for eternity will pay the cost?
Suffering torments they cannot tell
In the everlasting fire -- called Hell!There they dwell where the worm dieth not
And relief can never be sought.
Eternal flames around them 'bout
Such horrid screams, can you hear them shout?It's too late! It's too late! For me,
But please dear Jesus, set my loved ones free.
Oh, tell them of your saving Grace
So they won't come to this wicked place.Send someone to warn with tears
Of this place worse than all their fears.
To point them to the Saviour above
And tell them of Your eternal love.Prepare a man to be sent
And compel them to repent,
From all their guilt, sin, and strife
That they may have eternal life.James A. Kelly, III
YOUR PRAYER LIST!Don't take us from your prayer list!
We need your prayers today.
The devil's power is greatest
When Christians cease to pray.
Prayer brings us needed courage,
And shields us from the wrong.
It builds a hedge about us,
Invisible and so strong.Please keep us on your prayer list,
Each time you offer prayer;
Thru it we sense the presence
Of our greatest Burden-Bearer.
Oh, what a blessed privilege
Each Christian can embrace
Of praying for each other
Till we see Him face to face!
Vision Unlimited
P.O. Box 3565
Temple, Texas 76505MISSIONS RESEARCH V ision
The U nlimitedWORLD
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