Al Lacy
Crusades5907 S. Kline
Littleton, Colorado 80127SERMON TAPES
Tapes by Dr. Al Lacy
- Horrors of Hell
Can Any Good Thing Come Out
of Nazareth?- Manslaughter of Souls
How to Lead a Soul to Christ- They Addicted Themselves
Hath God Said?- Heaven Is a Wonderful Place
Tongues- Gospel According to 4 Women
Your World- Enemy of the Truth
After This- Three Things God Does Not Know
Paul's Ticks- Touch of the Master's Hand
By My Spirit- Scripture Difficulties
Three Inescapable Questions- Jesus Wept
Seven Little Ducks- Afflicted and Ready to Die
Appointment in Samaria- The Man Who Went Away
The Man Who Came Back- The People Who Lived Before Adam []
One Minute in Hell- Is There Really A Hell?
At Calvary- Ghost Riders in the Sky
The Mystery of Christ- Both Sides of Jericho
The Church that Jesus Could Trust- Why Be a Baptist?
Acts Chapter 29- Uncle Joe's Skeleton
Walking on Water- The Prayer God Could Not Answer
Taking Up the Cross- Born Again
How to Avoid the Woodshed- You Better Believe It!
Ropes in the Sky- They were Offended at Him
Only One Life
- Satan Hath Desired You
Drama of Romans 6:23- The Soul Exchange
Adam's Rib, Satan's Fib and
Women's Lib- The Living Bible
Stones in the Dust- No Fear of God
Who Cares?- Snakebite!
IRS Man in the Tree- No Small Stir
Barricades to Heaven- The Lamb and the Shepherd
Mistakes I Have Found in the Bible- When the Lost Come Out of Hell
Don't Kill the Umpire- What Are These Wounds?
The Tried Stone- Believing in Vain
Princess Walking- The Other Thief
He that Goeth Forth- Eternal Security
Adam's Apple- No More Tears
Jesus Christ Himself- The Baptist Jailbird
Women Preachers- The Greatest Sin
The 7,000 Club- Four Catholic Nuns in the Bible
The Suicide at Calvary- Come See a Man
Do-It-Yourself Religion- The Final Call
Scriptural Baptism- Defeating the Devil
You're Not Home Yet- Hated Without a Cause
What Have I Done?- The Seven Wonders of Heaven
The Seven Wonders of Hell- The Long Home
The Singin' Mudball
- God's Hit Record
Walking Through the Fire- Gamblers at Golgotha
Voices of the Dead- Pearly White City
Bible Dynamite- The Throne of the Lamb
Which Bible?- The Innocent Bible
Cancer of the Soul- The Worm that Never Dies
My Trip into Outer Space- Climbing to Hell [web]
Where is the Fire?- God of the Valleys
The Way of Cain- Counterfeit Bibles
The Chicago Frog- How to Live Forever
Wasted Years- Madhouse of the Universe
Madman of Galilee- Burger King Religion []
The Potter's Field- How to Go to Hell
How to Go to Heaven- Billions of Biographies
Church of the Mausoleum [web]- It Is Finished
Delilah's Lap- The Armless Soldier
I Come Quickly- Remember Lot's Wife
Things Nobody Used To Be- Just a Translation?
Blind Leaders- The Consuming Fire
The Unknown God- When I See the Blood
He Made the Stars Also- How to Stay Saved
The Sun of Righteousness
- Monuments to Hell
Curse of Humanism- The Damnation of Hell
The Jubilation of Heaven- Lost at Calvary
All Scripture- Where is the Word of God?
Little Sir Echo- Worthy is the Lamb
The Spirit of Adoption- The Horrible Pit
David's Mastercard- Glorying in the Cross
A Ticket to Hell- The Millenial Kingdom
No Mortgage on Tomorrow- How to Know You are Saved
When the Roses Bloom Again- The Precious Blood
God's Weakness- The Parade of Hell
The Parade of Heaven- Jesus Loves Me
The Blind Apostle- Baptist Martyrs
Things Most Surely Believed- The Shed Blood
Give Me Children- Lord Remember Me
I Will Fear No Evil- Quicksand
The Judgment Seat- Why I preach on Hell
Lord is it I?- The Spirit of Prophecy
The God-Man- The End of the World
The Magic Lamp- Another Jesus
Baptist Preaching- The Contrary Christ
Satan Hindered Us- Never Give Up!
The Bible Is Right
Clyde Hyde
ProductionsRecords $6 Cassettes $6
Cutting Capers with Clyde
The Mean Little Kid
The Mean Little Kid II
Adventures of Superdummy
Superdummy II
The Lone Dummy
The Lone Dummy Rides Again
Clyde Hyde Secret Agent
BatdummyBooks Where Do Little Children Go When They
Die? . . $5
The Gospel According to Mary . . . . $5
Five Minutes After You Die . . $5
Crowns for Christians . . $7
Mystery of the Angels . . $7
The Worm That Never Dies . . $7
God in the Hands of Angry Sinners . $7
The Dark Side of Calvary . . $7
The Windows of Heaven . . $7
The Face of Jesus . . $8
The Blood of His Cross . . $8
They Shall Never Perish . . $9
DR. LACY'S SPECIAL TAPE SERIES Christian Home Series . . $15
Charismatic Movement Series . . $15
The Devil's Devices . . $15
Beside The Still Waters . . $15
Meditations on the Master . . $15
The "IF" Series . . $15Special
Cassette Packets
Six Tapes . . . $20.00
1. Getting Ready for Hell
No Hope
2. The Living God
The Lord's Church
3. Boot Hill
Cattle Rustlers
4. Out of the Depths
5. Wine of Wrath
Baptists and the Reformers
6. Sounding Out the Word
Meanest MemberPACKET #2
1. The Losing Game
Spearmint on the Bedpost
2. Dead Man at the Table
Turn in Your Suit
3. God's Rights
The Great Commission
4. Many Physicians
Forget the Arithmetic
5. Pilate's Orchard
What is Your Life?
6. The Tongues of Angels
Born Unto Trouble
1. Crowded Detours
The Groaning Creation
2. Gnashing of Teeth
Vapour of Life
3. The Deathboat
A Little Bird Told Me
4. The Day of Wrath
Stay by Your Pastor
5. The Hour is Come
My New Body
6. Vengeance of Eternal Fire
Unanswered Prayer
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