Divorce &

Whatever happened to the sanctity and permanence
of marriage? A marriage now seems to be relegated
in these times to the level of a casual and temporary
Whereas God fearing folk in time past would endure
suffering and great hardship rather than seek release
from a marriage vow, many contemporary marriages
are ended abruptly by divorce with hardly a serious
consideration of what the God of the Bible thinks.
The clear majority of our students at Hephzibah
House have come from homes in which divorce of the
parents has occurred. To further complicate this kind
of situation, parents often choose to ignore the fact
they already have one living spouse, and have
married another spouse. Some have even gone on to
divorce the new spouse and choose a third, etc.
My heart goes out to our girls who in some cases do
not know who to call Mom or Dad because they have
I can understand this Godless world sneering at the
monogamous claims of scripture and the until
death do us part principle it teaches, but I am
profoundly grieved with the inroads easy divorce
has had in professing Christendom.
Apostolic and scriptural authority still maintains
strict and limited standards for this issue: remain
celibate if you are separated or divorced, or be
reconciled to your spouse (I Corinthians 7:10-11).
These are the only two options for an obedient
believer until his or her spouse dies.
In many years of gospel ministry and biblical
counseling, I have learned there is no such thing as
an innocent party. Not only is this idea
inconsistent with the Bible doctrine of human
depravity, it is an idea usually formed by listening to
only one of the two individuals involved.

I tell young people to treat marriage as the second
most important decision of their lives (salvation
being primary) and to therefore utilize great wisdom,
prayer, and hearty counsel from their parents, parent
substitute, or preacher before considering this life-
long commitment. I tell them to be prepared to look
over the breakfast table at one another until one of
them dies!
I know that good and sincere men believe that in
some cases (usually adultery and/or desertion)
divorce is allowed by the Lord. Some even go a step
further and say since the marriage is dissolved by
adultery or desertion, remarriage would be
permissible. Usually these arguments are formed on
the basis of the so-called "Pauline Privilege" of
I Corinthians 7:15.
May I respectfully disagree? Our Lord Jesus said
divorce was allowed (not ordered or expected) for the
hardness of human hearts: (Matthew 19:8). He taught
that man ought not to put a marriage asunder
because his ideal is one man, one woman as an
inseparable unity (Matthew 19:6). God spoke of how
he hates putting away (divorce) (Malachi 2:16). The
Apostle Paul stresses that if you do harden your
heart and separate and/or divorce, then you must
either remain unmarried or be reconciled as the only
two Biblical options (I Corinthians 7:10-11). Moreover,
Paul stresses the law of God as our authority in this
matter and that as long as our spouse lives, our
marriage is intact, no matter what men may say or do
(I Corinthians 7:39, Romans 7:1-3).
My preacher-brother, may I soberly admonish you,
that when you officiate at a wedding in which either
the bride or groom still has a living spouse, you are
disagreeing with: Malachi 2:16; Matthew 19:6, 19:8;
Romans 7:1-2, and I Corinthians 7:10-11, 7:39. By
your presence and your actions are you not partaker
of their sin?

I pray that you seriously consider the claims of
Scripture that marriage is life-long and its only Godly
dissolution is death before approving a potential
separation or divorce. If you only consider majority
opinion, sentiment, feelings, emotions, or the
majority of the books on the issue in Christian
bookstores, you will undoubtedly give your approval
and sanction to divorce.
Paul stresses marriage is a picture of the
relationship between Christ and His Church
(Ephesians 5:21-32) . . . in other words, an inseparable
relationship. I am thankful that many preachers who
believe in a so-called scriptural divorce are
blessedly inconsistent, and still believe and teach
that Christ and His Church are inseparable!
Most of those with whom I have spoken who have
divorced and then remarried another (even though
their first spouse was alive) have been the first to tell
me that rather than solving their problems and
lessening their pressure and frustration, their
remarriage has greatly complicated matters and
even created new pressures. Many have been honest
to tell me God was right and they were wrong.
If you have already sinned in taking another spouse,
my friend, you must honor your most recent vow,
repent of your sin and beseech the Lord to make the
best of the situation you have created in your self-
God soberly views a vow, even though men do not
(Ecclesiastes 5:1-6). If you believe you can play fast
and loose with your marriage vow, secure a divorce,
and marry another, do not be surprised when God in
return for your rebellion "destroys the work of your
hands" (Ecclesiastes 5:6).

by Ronald E. Williams, Director
Hephzibah House
508 School St., Winona Lake, IN 46590

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