Way of Life Literature (1): 1973 - Present ![]()
My. David W. Cloud
P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061-0368 . USA
866.295.4143 (toll free) · fbns@wayoflife.org (e-mail)
www.wayoflife.org (web site)C. H. M. disclaimer. *=Library, **=Online
*Booklet: Way of Life Literature Publications Catalog 2008
*Booklet: Way of Life Literature Publications List 2000 [in O TIMOTHY Volume 17, Issue 4, 2000]
*Booklet: WINTER 1995-96 CATALOG
*Paper: Way of Life Literature NEW AND SELECT TITLES FOR 1995*File: Index The Baptist Challenge July 1994 - December 2004 M. L. Moser [ pdf ]
Way of Life Literature Advanced Bible Studies Series All books by David W. Cloud
*The Book of Genesis (2004) [ISBN 1-58318-081-8]
*Job (2007) [ISBN 978-1-58318-107-2]
*Psalms (2007) [ISBN 978-1-58318-108-9]
*Proverbs (2007) [ISBN 978-1-58318-109-6]*The Four Gospels (2003) [ISBN 1-58318-082-6]
*The Book of Acts (2003) [ISBN 1-58318-083-4]
*The Book of Romans (2004) [ISBN 1-58318-083-4]
*The First Epistle to Corinth (2006) [ISBN 1-58318-102-4]
*The Book of Hebrews (2005) [ISBN 1-58318-090-7]
*James (2009) [ISBN 978-1-58318-114-0]
*The Pastoral Epistles (2004) [ISBN 1-58318-083-4]
*The Book of Revelation (2007) [ISBN 1-58318-105-9]*Bible History and Geography (2002, 8-2009) [ISBN 1-58318-081-8]
**The Bible Version Issue A Course on Bible Texts and Versions and a Defense of the King James Bible (2006) [ Index ]
**Defense of the Faith (2002, 6-2005) [ Index ]
**Give Attendance to Doctrine (2002, 2-2005) [ Index ]
**A History of the Churches from a Baptist Perspective (2002, 6-2005) [ Contents ]
*How to Study the Bible A Guide to Studying and Interpreting the Holy Scriptures (2002, 4-2009) [1-58318-077-X]
*The New Testament Church (2002, 2-2005) [ISBN 1-58318-063-X]
*Understanding Bible Prophecy (2002, 5-2005) [1-58318-078-8]*File: The Ape Men (2015) DWC [ebook] [Theory of Evolution.]
*File: Archaeological Dating Methods (2014) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 1-58318-177-5]
Seventh-day Adventism (2008, 2-26-2013) [ebook] [ISBN 978-1-58318-162-1]*File: The Bible Knowledge Test (2015) DWC [ebook]
*File: Bible Prophecies Fulfilled Today (2013) DWC [ebook]
*Book: THE BIBLE'S AMAZING STORY (2004) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 978-1-58318-123-2]
*File: The Bible's Proof (2002, 2013) DWC [ebook]
*File: The Calvinism Debate (2006, 1-2012) DWC [ebook] [ISBN: 1- 58318-093-1]
*File: Child Discipline (2010, 2012) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 978- 1-58318-164-5]
*Book: CONCISE KING JAMES BIBLE DICTIONARY (1996) DWC [WOL B. D. - Edition Two] [ISBN 1-58318-006-0]
*Paper: Cremation: What Does God Think? (1998, 3-22-2013) DWC [ebook]
*Booklet: The Difference Between Good and Bad Music (1993) Evangelist Alan Ives
Audio Cassette: DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GOOD AND BAD MUSIC, THE Alan Ives*File: Does Salvation Make A Difference? (1981) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 1-58318-022-0]
**Book: FOR LOVE OF THE BIBLE The Battle for the Authorized Version and the Received Text from 1800 to Present (1995, 10-2008) DWC [KJV] [ Notes ]
*Book: The Glorious History of the English Bible (2006, 11-14-2008) DWC [ISBN 1-58318-096-6]
Book: IDEAS for Evangelism (2000, Jan. 2012) DWC & Linda Cloud [ebook] [ISBN: 1-58318-067-2]
*Book: In the Footsteps of Bible Translators (2006) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 1- 58318-103-2]
Booklet: Is Healing in the Atonement? (1998, Jan. 2012) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 1-58318-033-8]
Book: The Judge Not Heresy (2012) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 978- 1-58318-168-3]
*File: Keys to Fruitful Church Membership (1999, 1-2012) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 978-1-58318-147-8]
*File: MODERN BIBLE VERSIONS (1994) DWC [Info only: DOS. Received Text list.]
Booklet: Modern Bible Versions (1994) DWC*File: New Evangelicalism: Its History, Characteristics, and Fruit (2006, 2-2012) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 1- 58318-100-8]
*File: Protestant Persecution of Baptists (2005, 1-2012) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 978-1-58318-145-4]
Book: Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? (2008, 2-2012) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 978-1-58318-110-2]
*File: Questions Answered on the Bible & Christianity (2010, 8-4- 2012) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 978-1-58318-158-4]
*Book: REPENTANCE AND SOUL WINNING (2000, 12-2008) DWC [ISBN 1-58318-062-2]
former title "Repentance Is More Than a Sinner's Prayer" (~2000) DWC*File: The Seven Churches of Revelation Then and Now (2010, 2-2012) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 978-1-58318-165-2]
*File: Testimonies of Scientists Who Believe the Bible (2011, 3-18- 2013) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 978-1-58318-150-8]
*File: Tongues Speaking (2012) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 978- 1-58318-153-9]
*File: UNHOLY HANDS ON GOD'S HOLY BOOK (1985) DWC [Info only: DOS.]
*File: Unholy Hands ON GOD's HOLY BOOK (1985, Jan. 2012) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 1-58318-012-5] [UBS 1946 & ABS]*File: United Nations and the New Age (2009, 1-2012) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 978-1-58318-154-6]
Book: Was Mother Teresa a TRUE CHRISTIAN? (1985, Jan. 2012) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 1-58318-054-0]
*Book: Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity (1993) Edited by DWC [ISBN 1-58318-005-2] [KJB]
[ The Received Text... ]Book: WHAT ABOUT RUCKMAN? (2012) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 1- 58318-032-X]
*File: The World Council of Churches (2013) DWC [ebook] [ISBN 978-1-58318-020-4]
**List: WOLL (2)