BIBLICAL?(Or Look We For Another?)
By Missionary Don Stewart
Rom. 10:15 "And how shall they preach, except they be
sent..."The Local Church Received The Command
For MissionsSince the giving of the "Great Commission" to the
church, churches now have a responsibility to be involved in
missions on a worldwide basis. The missionary outreach of
the church is the key factor in determining a local church's
obedience to the command of Christ. (Mark 16:15; Acts
1:8; Matt. 28:18-20)The Local Church Is The Only Plan For Missions The scriptural plan of Acts 1:8 is for "BOTH" in
Jerusalem and Judea. We must be involved in missions at
home and abroad. As we seek to implement the plan of
reaching the world for Christ, we of necessity find ourselves
involved with the MISSIONARY.
In this article, we want to take a look at the biblical plan
for sending the missionary. We would like to consider the
missionary and how he is sent out. We want to compare
other methods to the biblical plan of sending out mis-
sionaries. In answering these questions we must look at the
earliest plan and practice for New Testament missions.The Local Church Is The Biblical Practice For
Sending MissionariesSince the Bible is our rule of faith and practice, then it
must be the source from which we derive our plan for com-
missioning and sending missionaries today. In some areas of
our churches today we have departed from biblical practice,
although we want to have a fundamental theology. It was the
practice of New Testament churches to send out mis-
sionaries by and through the local church. It is apparent that
many churches have departed from the practice of New
Testament churches in sending out missionaries. (Acts
13:1-4)The Local Church Is The Agency Of Missions Christ gave the authority and responsibility for reaching
the world today to the church. Thus, we need to look at the
missionary and his biblical authority. First, we have his
authority from God. (Acts 13:2) Every missionary must be
a God-called man. Second, we have his sending authority or
agency. (Acts 13:3) The agency upon which Christ confer-
red His authority was the church. We have no other agency
mentioned in scriptures to have this authority. (Matt.
28:18-20; Acts 1:8; Acts 13:1-4)The Local Church Has A History In Missions In tracing the history of New Testament missions and
missionaries, let us consider the book of Acts. Here we see
established the historical pattern for missions. It is in-
teresting to note that before the rise of Protestants that the
local church was the only agency to reach the world for
Christ. As time progressed we found the Missions Boards
coming into existence following a Protestant pattern.
In Acts 13:1-4 we find the only agency God commission-
ed sending out the missionary. Historically the church is the
one with the responsibility to send out the missionary. Is it
possible that time, methodology, and conveniences have
removed us from the foundational plan of the missionary be-
ing sent out under the authority of a local church?The Local Church Has The Responsibility In Missions Is it right that we would confer the authority given to the
local church, to another agency or plan not ordained of
God? Would we be justified in giving the rearing of our
children to an agency not ordained of God? To each we
should reply with a resounding "No." Then let me ask why
we have given the sending of missionaries over to agencies
outside the church. We do have local church authority and
local church responsibility. We must also remember that
there is accountability.
Does the local church get an outside agency to win souls,
visit the sick, run our bus ministry, and teach our Sunday
School? The responsibility biblically was given to the local
church for sending out missionaries. Let us not neglect that
which we have been commissioned to do and neither should
we neglect the manner in which it is to be done.The Local Church Received The Pattern For Missions In the Scripture we not only find divine instruction but we
also find divine patterns. Acts 13:1-4 gives us one of those
divine patterns. The men of Antioch were men of prayer
and fasting. They wanted to know the will of God and also
to do the will of God. Thus, they were willing to follow the
Holy Spirit's instruction to send Paul and Barnabas to the
work of which God had called them to. Thus, we under-
stand the Holy Spirit's instruction was for the Missionary to
be sent by and through the local church. Today we often
find ourselves trying to improve upon God's plans through
our own methodology.
We often act as if God is no longer on the throne and that
the patterns of Scripture are outdated. The patterns are no
more outdated than the scriptures. We do have a God who
preserves. God can still accomplish His purpose in the same
patterns as He did in the New Testament churches.
We find as we study each of Paul's missionary journeys
that each begin and end at Antioch his sending church, with
the exception of his journey to Rome, which was interrupted
by prison confinement. The local church was his sending
agency and authority. It was the local church that establish-
ed his credibility. Twice in the New Testament we find the
word RECOMMENDED, both times it is in reference to
the church at Antioch recommending Paul the missionary to
others for the work. (Acts 14:26,27; 15:40)The Local Church Received The Rights For Missions
And MissionariesToday we hear so much about rights that we find
ourselves asking who really has the rights to missions and
missionaries. We have three basic methods of operation to-
day regarding sending missionaries to the field. The three
methods of operation are: the local church missionary, the
independent missionary, and the mission board or para-
church agency missionary. Which one really has the rights?
Only the Bible can answer that question. We must be willing
to put our methods up against the patterns and authority of
the Word of God.
Let us consider each method:
point out that he is often erroneously confused with the
Local Church Missionary. Webster defines INDEPEN-
DENT, as not subject to control and self-governing. The in-
dependent has no sending agency, no church authority, and
no scriptural authority because he operates outside the
authority of the one Christ commissioned to reach the
world. He is truly independent, self-governing.
defines PARA, as akin to, along side of, and going beyond.
We might compare by thinking of the PARACLETE, (Holy
Spirit) as one who is called to your side or aid. Is it
necessary, as some think, that the church needs one called to
its aid to go beyond and do what the church either cannot, or
maybe really will not do? Is there an agency to which Christ
gave His authority for a time when the church would no
longer fulfill its duty?
As we compare further, we find in operation today Mis-
sion Agencies who give managerial, supervisory, and in-
vestigative direction to and for the church and the mis-
sionary. Webster uses these terms to define a board. While
it is true that Mission Boards provide a great service for the
missionary and the church, we must ask if this method is for
convenience, and was it part of the New Testament pattern
for sending missionaries to the field? We find that in this
method the point of authority becomes either directly or in-
directly the Mission Agency. Thus, they usurp the New
Testament Local Church Authority. As pastors, we would
not think of having deacons from different local churches
serving as deacons together in our local church.
Today so many have practiced the pattern of mission
agencies that they have made grave errors in rejecting men
who are following biblical patterns. Brethren, we need a
fundamental theology with a fundamental practice.
would say that by every evidence of Scripture, he is the true
biblical pattern for missions. He is called of God, sent by
and through the local church. His funds are handled by the
local church. (We do believe and preach storehouse tithing
don't we?) He is not an INDEPENDENT because his
authority is the Local Church. This plan may require a little
more work and faith on the part of our Pastors, people,
treasurers and secretaries but it is a local church operation.
We could actually save money in this plan and be able to
send more to the field.The Biblical Pattern Answers Its Critics Quite often an idea may seem new because of lack of use
over a period of time. When the idea surfaces again it may
give rise to skeptical questions due to a lack of familiarity.
We would like to consider three often repeated questions,
particularly in reference to the local church missionary.(1) "What happens if the pastor dies, or leaves for
another church?"Do we tell our new visitors not to join the church or our
members not to tithe because the pastor might die or leave?
It is possible that there are events and circumstances beyond
our control that we must trust God for? Is not the king's
heart in the hand of the Lord and He turneth it about
whithersoever He will? Brethren let us be careful that we do
not reveal our lack of trust in the power of God. God can
still operate His plan and keep His children. He can take
care of His man.(2) "What about the accountability of the local church
missionary?"In Acts, it was to the local church that Paul rehearsed all
that God had done. It was the local church at Antioch he
reported to. He also corresponded with the Philippian
church concerning their financial support of his ministry.
We are accountable to our authority. We must make sure
that our authority is the one Christ commissioned. We must
remember that we are accountable for implementing the
right plans and patterns. We need not be accountable to
another agency not ordained of God but to the one that God
ordained. In the light of Scripture the local church is the
ONLY ONE with commissioning and sending authority. Is
our practice Biblical or convenient?(3) "How do I keep track of the local church mis-
sionary?"In a day when we can go to the phone, telegraph, and the
post office box, do we not have a tremendous advantage
over Antioch who tried to keep track of Paul? Who keeps
track of the pastor, the Board Director? Is this not why the
church at Antioch recommended Paul to others?The Biblical Pattern Has Its Advantages Today churches are faced with calls from more mis-
sionaries than they can possibly support. The mission dollar
must be used wisely and biblically. The question is often,
what can we do to further our missions support?
Should we support mission board directors and mission
board secretaries as missionaries? Should we support mis-
sion headquarters buildings in place of missionaries? We
could get more to the field if we used our own local church
secretaries, treasurers and buildings and use the excess
revenue to send out more missionaries.
While the harvest is plenteous and the laborers are few,
should we not do all that we can to send all that are called to
the harvest of souls and the establishing of indigenous chur-
ches? Let us once again return to a biblical practice of sen-
ding missionaries to the field by and through the local
church. Brethren, in a day when one out of ten churches that
a missionary goes to is able to support him, we must ask if
we are doing things right.
Many churches are spending much of their money in sup-
port of agencies which operate outside of the authority of
the local church. We need to support missionaries not agen-
cies. We need to be practical but not at the expense of the
Word of God. Let us return to the "Great Commission" to
the church. Let the church send the missionary to the field.
"[H]ow shall they preach, except they be sent?" Let us
look for the local church missionary who is biblical in
theology and practice.Tract # B-353 Order From: TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH>
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