PRAYER The Necessity of
EvangelismScriptural Principles
& Weekly Program
On PrayerPrinted by Gregory Barnes
Evangelist to Argentina
Dear Friend, the very fact that you
have this simple brochure in your
hands shows that you have some
interest or desire in learning more
about prayer and its importance in
world evangelism. Do you know that
God desires this for you also? He
does, and so do we. You see, as just
about any evangelist will tell you,
prayer is vital to them, their family,
and their ministry and is desired even
more than financial support. So, if
you will take a few minutes to read
this and keep it for future reference, I
pray that it will bless you as well as
show you a few principles in the
Bible that will be of help. The Bible
has much to say about prayer, more
so than we can deal with in this small
space, but we want to focus on prayer
and it's relationship to world
evangelism. At the end of this, you
will notice a weekly program
designed to guide you in your prayer
for evangelists, their families and
their ministry.First of all, we see in the Bible that
prayer is directed by God. "And he
spake a parable unto them to this end,
that men ought always to pray, and
not to faint;" Luke 18:1. Again, we
see in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, "Pray
without ceasing". These are but two
of many references showing us thefact that God wants us to pray.
Simply put, He desires to hear from
you. There are several types of
prayer, but the type that we are
discussing is termed intercessory
prayer; in other words, prayer aimed
at interceding for someone else.
Now, as far as evangelism is
concerned, Jesus Christ Himself
directed us to pray this way as
recorded in Matthew 9:38, "Pray ye
therefore the Lord of the harvest, that
he will send forth labourers into his
harvest". This is repeated in Luke
10:2. This is the utmost need as far as
world evangelism is concerned, that
is the need for laborers (evangelists,
missionaries, soul-winners). Based
on this, let me suggest that you pray
for evangelists to be sent, be
sustained, and be successful.Secondly, prayer is desired by
evangelists. As I said, most any
evangelist will tell you this himself,
but we also see in the Bible that even
the Apostle Paul often requested
prayer for himself and his ministry.
We see in 1 Thessalonians 5:25 the
following request made by Paul,
"Brethren, pray for us". And again in
2 Thessalonians 3:1, "Finally,
brethren, pray for us, that the word of
the Lord may have free course, and
be glorified, even as it is with you:".
Finally, in Hebrews 13:18 Paul
writes, "Pray for us..." If Paul
desired prayer be made for him, how
much the more should we desire it for
ourselves. So why is prayer so
desirable? Quite simply, because it
works! James writes in Chapter 5
and Verse 16 "...The effectual fervent
prayer of a righteous man availeth
much." Though financial support is
necessary for any ministry, prayer
accomplishes much more and goes
much farther than money does,
because it calls upon and relies upon
the power of God, which is infinitely
more powerful than the devices of
man.Now, if you are thinking that all of
this is for the benefit of the evangelist
only, you need only to look at
Romans 15:30 - 32, Job 42:10, and 2
Corinthians 1:5 - 7 and you will see
that the Bible plainly teaches that
when you pray to intercede on the
behalf of others, God will bless you
also. Just as God blesses those that
give financially to their church's
missions program He likewise
blesses them that intercede for others
through prayer. Why don't you try it
and find out for yourself!
Prayer Program Just as your giving to your church for
world evangelism should be
systematic, I believe that your prayer
for evangelists and world evangelism
should be also. The following is a
guide to help you pray through the
course of a week, for those laboring
for God. As 2 Corinthians 1:11 tells
us, "Ye also helping together by
prayer for us", you can play a
significant part in the life and ministry
of an evangelist and his family by
praying for them, I hope that this guide
will be a help and a blessing to you.Pray for the evangelist and his: Day 1 - Relationship with God
[] Prayer life
[] Profitable daily devotions
[] Power of Holy SpiritDay 2 - Relationship with his family
[] Regard his wife
[] Raise his children
[] Rest his familyDay 3 - Relationship with nationals
[] Maintain good testimony
[] Master the language
[] Minimize cultural differencesDay 4 - Relationship with evangelists
[] Don't compete
[] Don't compromise
[] Don't criticizeDay 5 - Ministry Needs
[] Provision from God
[] Protection of God
[] Preparation by God
Day 6 - Physical Needs
[] Good health
[] General safety
[] Generous supplyDay 7 - Emotional Needs
[] Victory over doubt
[] Victory over discouragement
[] Victory over diversionsFamilies That Need My Prayer
Gregory Barnes
c/o First Baptist Church
P.O. Box 340
Dunlap, IL 61525
Tel: 309.243.7686
Mobile: 309.453.5341
Fax: 309.243.1602
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