

Jihad defined

Although jihad comes from the Arabic word
meaning "struggle" it has almost universally
been understood to mean warfare to spread

- Encyclopedia of Isl_m: "According to
general doctrine and in historical tradition,
the jihad consists of military action with the
object of the expansion of Isl_m and, if need
be, its defense."

- Umdat al-Salik (manual of Isl_mic law): "The
means to war against non-Musl_ms, and is
etymologically derived from mujahada,
signifying warfare to establish the religion."

- Hadith of Al-Bukhari (footnote): "Al-Jihad
(Holy Fighting) in All_h's cause (with full
force of numbers and weaponry), is given the
utmost importance in Isl_m, and is one of
the pillars (on which it stands).   By Jihad Isl_m
is established, All_h's Word is made
superior, and His religion (Isl_m) is

- Hadith of Abu Dawud: "The Apostle of
All_h said 'I am commanded to fight with
men till they testify that there is no god but
All_h; when they do that they will keep their
life and their property safe from me.'"

The hadith of al-Bukhari has an entire section
devoted to jihad, where the word is used
literally dozens of times, always in the context
of armed conflict to propagate and spread


Separating Sheep from Goats

In the Bible, Jesus tells a parable in Matthew 25 in
which He contrasts His true followers from those
who say they follow Him but do not demonstrate
it in their actions.   We know it as the parable of the
sheep and goats.

In the same way, the Qur'_n describes those who
are the true followers of All_h as those who fight
for the cause of All_h.   Jihad is All_h's way of
separating his sheep from goats.

- "Did ye think that ye would enter Heaven
without All_h testing those of you who fought
hard (In His Cause) and remained
(Sura 3:142)

- "Do you think that you shall be left alone while
All_h has not yet tested those among you who
have striven hard and fought..."
(Sura 9:16).   In
his commentary, Ibn Kathir states, "The purpose
All_h revealing this aya [verse] was to
distinguish'between those who obey him and
those who disobey him.'"

- " ... if it had been All_h's Will, He Himself could
certainly have punished them (without you). But
(He lets you fight) in order to test some of you
with others."
(Sura 47:4)

With these verses in mind, along with supporting
commentary from a respected 14th century
Isl_mic scholar, how can anyone assert that those
who wage offensive war on behalf of Isl_m do so
in contradiction to the Qur'_n?


Evolution of Jihad: Peace to Violence

Because the Qur'_n was given to Muh_mm_d
over a 23 year period, we can look at its verses
to see if a pattern emerges regarding the
evolution from peace to violence in his
teaching.   Indeed, when one takes this approach,
an interesting pattern can be discerned.

- Stage 1: Early Mecca.   Muh_mm_d is an
insignificant figure with no military and little
clout in society.   He [taught] purely a
message of peace and tolerance: Sura
73:10-11; 16:125-126; 23:96; 20:129-130;

- Stage 2: Late Mecca.   Muh_mm_d gains more
followers, begins encountering persecution by
the Meccans.   The Qur'_n authorizes voluntary
defensive fighting.   Sura 22:39-41.

- Stage 3: Early Medina.   With a growing group
of followers, and growing political influence in
Medina, Muh_mm_d now orders an obligation
to fight in defense of Isl_m.   Sura 2:190-194;
47:4-6; 8:67-69.

- Stage 4: Late Medina.   Muh_mm_d has gained
a large group of loyal followers of over
10,000, and has unmatched political and
military clout.   He now orders Musl_ms to fight
offensively for the advance of Isl_m.   Sura
5:36-38; 9:19-22; 9:29-31; 9:38-41.

It is abundantly clear that when Musl_ms were
the minority with no clout, Muh_mm_d
[taught] peace, and when they gained more
influence, they [taught] warfare, as it is today.


Jihad in History

During Muh_mm_d's ten years in Medina he
participated personally in 29 campaigns of
aggression and supervised 57 others, for an
average of about nine conflicts per year.   His
earliest biographer, Ibn Ishaq, summarized
Muh_mm_d's life in this short sentence: "[All_h]
sent Muh_mm_d with this religion and he
strove for it until people accepted it voluntarily
or by force."

Before his death in 632 AD he orchestrated the
elimination of every Jew in Arabia, either
through exile or extermination.   In 627 AD he
personally beheaded 800 Jewish men and took
as captive slaves their wives and children at the
Battle of the Trench.

In the first 100 years after his death, his
followers continued with the goal of spreading
Isl_m by persuasion or force.   The map above
shows the areas (red, orange, green) of the
progressive spread of Isl_m by way of jihad
through 732 AD.

Isl_mic aggression continued through the 17th
century, capturing a significant part of the
world.   It has abated somewhat since then but is
once again on the rise.

Today jihad is accomplished by warfare in
some nations such as Egypt, Somalia, Nigeria,
and others.   It is also accomplished through
more subversive or stealthy means, such as
economic, political, and educational in our
schools and universities.


Jihad Vs. The Crusades [RCC]

One objection raised by Musl_ms when faced
with the historical reality of Jihad is the
Crusades.   This argument is without merit.

- Scope: The crusades lasted less than 200 years
while Isl_mic jihad has been ongoing for 1,400
years and continues.

- Response: The Crusades were a defensive
response to 400 years of prior Isl_mic
aggression where large portions of formerly
Christian and Jewish lands were captured.   Jihad
was and always has been purely offensive, not

- Jesus vs. Muh_mm_d: Jesus taught a message
of love and compassion.   He said to pray for
those who persecute you and spitefully use
you.   Jesus never advocated killing anyone,
least of all one's enemies.   Muh_mm_d told his
followers to eliminate anyone who refuses to
worship All_h as God and acknowledge him as
God's messenger.   He had those who mocked
him put to death.

Scholar Paul Fregosi: "Musl_ms who kill are
following the commands of Muh_mm_d, but
Christians who kill--and there are many--are
ignoring the words of Christ.   Therein perhaps
lies one of the basic philosophical differences
between Isl_m and Christianity."

Jihad and the Crusades - there is no comparison.
