"For God so loved the world, that [H]e gave [H]is only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in [H]im should not perish, but have everlasting life."
What will you do?
   You have read all 16 chapters of the Gospel of Mark and the teachings of
the lessons of this course.   After having considered the life of the Lord Jesus
Christ, the Son of God and the Perfect Servant of God, what will you do?
   As always, read these statements and write true after those that are true for

1. I understand that Jesus is the Son of God and His Perfect Servant. _____

2. I believe that Christ died for the sin of all people. _____

3. I believe that I am a sinner and that Christ died for me. _____

4. I NOW receive Him as my Saviour. _____

   (If already saved, write in this space the approximate date when you re-
ceived Christ.)____________________________________________

5. I now will be grateful unto God for forgiving my sins and giving
    me eternal life. _____

6. Write in this space the reason why you will go to Heaven when you