Free Speech II                                                     Student
Instructor                                                       4-13-1999

Eyes Everywhere


   -- (Proverbs 15:3) "The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good."

   -- (Hebrews 4:13) "Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do."

   -- JESUS said: (Matthew 12:36) "That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment."

I. THE STATE OF LOT . . . (II Peter 2:7)

"And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:"

  A. (Genesis 19:16)
     -- Here God is about to DESTROY the city of Sodom.
        How did Lot get in this MESS? [this pickle if you will]

     (Genesis 12:1-4a)
     -- Lot had come to this part of the world with his Uncle Abraham.

     -- Because Lot was close to Abraham he would become rich due to God's 
        promised blessing to the latter.  See (Genesis 17:5; Genesis 12:3) 

     -- Later... Read (Genesis 13:1-2,5-11,13)

  B. Abraham to Lot: (Gen. 13:8)

"Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we be brethren."

     -- Abraham told Lot to CHOOSE where he wanted to live so they could be at 
        peace (Gen. 13:9) 

     -- Lot will eventually learn that he made his worst MISTAKE ever that day 
        by CHOOSING the well watered plain of Jordan including Sodom & 

     -- Lot Settled into the city of Sodom (Gen. 13:12; 14:12) 

     -- Essentially he had left the man of God [Abraham] for a city of Satan. 
        [Be careful & prayerful when you choose to move.]

II. THE STATE OF SODOM . . . (Gen. 18:20)

"And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;"

  A. Sodom was under Satan's control.
     1. Its people for the most part worshipped idols [pagan 
     2. There was NO law & order. 
     3. They did ONLY evil ALL the time. 
     4. The population was so completely involved in sexual perversions 
        that Sodom's very name, depicts an act of homosexuality. 

     -- Everyone was demon possessed or severely under his deception.
  B. God Himself discovered the evil (Gen. 18:21) 

     -- God INFORMS Abraham His INTENTION of DESTROYING Sodom (Gen. 18:17-19) 

  C. Abraham INTERCEDES for the men of Sodom (Gen. 18:24,32)

     [Abraham the Auctioneer: 50 ... 45 ... 40 ... 30 ... 20 ... 10
      Interesting 6 times <-- the number of man]

     -- Abraham knew the ENTIRE city was rotten.

     -- Abraham knew the city would have to be DESTROYED because there were 
        not even 10 men in the city who loved God. 

     (Gen. 19:1)
     -- Lot sees two men [angels in reality] enter the city gates of Sodom.

     (Gen. 19:2-3)
     -- Lot invites them to spend the night in his abode, but they desire to 
        spend the night on the street. 

     -- Lot knew how evil the men of the city were.  
        He was in fact worried about their safety. 

     (Gen. 19:4)
     -- Suddenly just after dinner the men of Sodom surround Lot's home.
        We have people from all over.

     (Gen. 19:5)
     -- These people were driven by Satan to do some dirty deeds.  
        Rape to say the least. 

     (Gen. 19:7-8)
     -- Lot is so disturbed by these lust controlled individuals that he 
        offers his virgin daughters instead. 

     (Gen. 19:10)
     -- These individuals make a move to get Lot no doubt to cause some sort 
        of bodily harm. 
        But the angels save him inside the house & shut the door.

     (Gen. 19:11)
     -- The angels SMITE the Sodomites with blindness.  The latter become 
        exhausted from their sin. 

     (Gen. 19:12)
     -- Lot is WARNED to communicate with ALL his relatives to move out of 
        Dodge [Sodom] IMMEDIATELY. 
        However, none of his own sons-in-law take heed to him to do right and 
        [Like father like son.]

     (Gen. 19:15)
     -- Lot & his immediate family are so attached to the worldliness of Sodom 
        that they have to be physically removed from therein by the angels 
        before sun rise.
        [Like a lost sinner at invitation time ... fingers stuck to the pew.] 

     (Gen. 19:17)
     -- Lot's family is WARNED not to look back but to flee to the mountains.
        [Higher ground ... God's High Way]

     (Gen. 19:22)
     -- God's JUDGMENT was coming.  But because just Lot was the Lord's, He 
        held back until Lot was out of DANGER. 
        [(II Peter 2:7-9)]

     (Gen. 19:24)

"Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;"

     (Gen. 19:27)
     -- Early in the morning, Abraham looked towards the plains of Sodom & 
        All he could see was boiling smoke.
        [Not much is left when sin has brought DEATH & DESTRUCTION.]

     (Gen. 19:28-29)
     -- God had rightly JUDGED everything that had rebelled against Him.


  A. God does NOT play games.

     -- You either serve Him or the Devil.

  B. God gave Moses' laws on how man should live before the Lord.

  C. God gave tough laws on sex to protect the people from disease, and 
     to keep the homes from falling apart. 

     1. Adultery: Thou shalt not commit adultery (Exodus 20:14; 
                         Leviticus 20:10) 
        [You must not have sex outside of marriage.  To Disobey meant 
        Death by stoning then (Deuteronomy 22:21-22)] 

     2. Fornication: Sex between 2 unmarried persons.
        [This crime was PUNISHABLE by death (Lev. 18:29; Romans 

     3. Homosexuality: Any man who lies with another man [to have sex].
        [Both shall be put to death (Lev. 18:22; 20:13) 
         This also applies to women.]


  -- (I Corinthians 6:9-10)

"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind...shall inherit the kingdom of God."

  -- LONG-lasting consequences for SHORT-lived sins.   
  -- Consider seriously Romans Chapter 1...especially v. 26,27,32.
     God will give you up.  Left with no remedy.
     HOMOS--men with men trash.
     Temporary pleasure of sin before certain JUDGMENT.

  -- Gay is NOT okay.

  -- God can set you free.
  -- He provides for you a way out.
  -- (John 3:16)
  -- REPENTANCE towards God; FAITH toward the Lord Jesus Christ.