Evangelist Joseph L. Sturtz
& Wife, GingerEvangelism "...and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto
Supporting the role of the pastor,
Strengthening the local church.
the saints." Jude 3
Available for:
Special Days
Pulpit Supply
Bible Camp
Tent Meetings
Faith Promise
Missions, Bible,
Preaching &
Soul Winning
Jail Ministry
Dear Pastor and Church,
Prayer Letter
March 2008[...]
Prayer Requests:
More Meetings in 2008-09 Monthy Financial Support In Christ,
Evangelist Joseph L. SturtzNote: If you would like to support our ministry please use the self-addressed
envelope enclosed, and make the check payable to Evangelist Joseph L. Sturtz. On
the check memo put: First Light Baptist Mission of Wyldewood Baptist Church.
Sent through:
First Light
Baptist Mission
A ministry of Wyldewood Baptist ChurchSupport address:
First Light Baptist Mission
Wyldewood Baptist Church
c/o Evangelist Joseph L. Sturtz
3030 Witzel Road
Oshkosh, WI 54904Contact Information:
1735 Oak St.
Oshkosh, WI 54901
Home phone: 920.385.1988
Cell phone: 920.527.1596
e-mail: evangjoesturtz@yahoo.com
web site: www.wyldewood.org