Samuel Zwemer: 1867-1952

My. Samuel M. Zwemer
Arabian Mission
(professing Chr. (Dut. Ref. Chu.))
. Country

C. H. M. disclaimer . *=Library, **=Online

File: Glory of the Cross (1938)   SZ, BBBW   [JESUS CHRIST]   [Info only]

File: Heirs of the Prophets: An Account of Isl_m (n.d)   SZ, BBBW   [False Systems]   [Info only]

File: Into All the World: The Great Commission: A Vindication and an Interpretation (1943)   SZ, BBBW   [Missions]   [Info only]

File: Sons of Adam: Studies of the Old Testament Characters in the New Testament Light (1951)   SZ, BBBW   [OT Bible Characters]   [Info only]

Into All The World. (1943)   SZ, Chr. Pub.   [Info only]

Thinking Missions with Christ. (1935)   SZ, Zon.   [Info only]

Counterfeit or Genuine? (n.d.)   David O. Fuller   [A condensed & edited edition of John W. Burgon's, The Last Twelve Verses of Mark.   Contributions: Edward F. Hills--ok, Samuel Zwemer and Donald L. Brake]

*File: APOSTLE TO ISL_M   A Biography of Samuel M. Zwemer (1952)   J. Christy Wilson, Baker Book House   [Info only]

S. M. Z.

Arabia: The Cradle of Isl_m. Fleming H. Revell, New York. 1st Edition,
1900; 4th Edition, 1912. 434 pages. Urdu Translation: Pesa Akhbar,
1910 (Unauthorized).

Raymond Lull: First My. to the Mosl_ms. Funk and Wagnalls,
New York. 1902. 172 pages.
  [Info only: R. Lull was a RC.]
German Translation: Sudan Pioneer Mission, Wiesbaden, 1912.
Arabic Translation: Nile Mission Press, Cairo, 1914.
Spanish Translation: 1926.
Chinese Translation: 1924.
Dutch Translation: 1928. (Unauthorized)

*File: The Mosl_m Doctrine of God. American Tract Society, New York. 1st
, 1905; 2nd Edition, 1924. 120 pages.

**File: Isl_m, A Challenge to Faith. Student Volunteer Movement, New York.
1st Edition, 1907. 295 pages.
2nd Edition, Marshall Brothers, London, 1909.
German Translation: 1911.
Danish Translation: Copenhagen, 1910.
French Translation: Paris, 1922.

The Mosl_m World: Young People's My. Movement of the United
States and Canada. Eaton, New York, 1908. 239 pages. (Revised Edition
of "Isl_m, A Challenge to Faith.")

The Unoccupied Mission Fields of Africa and Asia. Student Volunteer
Movement, New York. 1911. 260 pages.
German Translation: Basel, 1912.
Danish Translation: Copenhagen, 1912.

*File: The Mosl_m Christ. Oliphant, Anderson and Ferrier, London. 1st Edition,
1912; 2nd Edition, 1927. 198 pages. American Tract Society, New York.
German Translation: Die Christologie des Isl_ms, by Dr. E. Frick,
Stuttgart, 1921.
Arabic Translation: Nile Mission Press, Cairo. 1916.
Urdu Translation: 1929.

Moh_mm_d or Christ. Seeley Service and Company, London. 1915. 292

Childhood in the Mosl_m World. Fleming H. Revell, New York. 1915.
274 pages.
Arabic Translation: 2nd Edition, Cairo, 1921.
Danish Translation: Copenhagen. 1917.

The Disintegration of Isl_m. Fleming H. Revell, New York. 1916. 227 pages.

A Primer on Isl_m. Continuation Committee, Shanghai. 1919. 24 pages.
Chinese Translation: 2nd Edition, 1927.

The Influence of Animism on Isl_m. Macmillan, New York. 1920. 246
pages. S.P.C.K., London. 1921.

Christianity the Final Religion. Eerdmans Sevensma Co., The Pilgrim Press,
Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1920. 108 pages.

A Mosl_m Seeker After God. Life of Al-Ghazali. Fleming H. Revell, New
York. 1921. 302 pages.
Arabic Translation: Nile Mission Press, Cairo, 1922.
Urdu Translaton: 1925.

*File: The Law of Apostasy in Isl_m. Marshall Brothers, London. 1923. 164 pages.
German Translation: Guetersloh, 1926.

Report of a Visit to Mesopotamia, the Persian Gulf and India. Summer of
1924. The American Christian Literature Society for Mosl_ms, New
York. 1924. 31 pages.

*File: The Call to Prayer. Marshall Brothers, London. 1923. 79 pages.
Dutch Translation: Kampen, 1926.

*File: The Glory of the Cross. Marshall Brothers, London. 1st Edition, 1928. 2nd
Edition, 1935. 3rd Popular Edition, 1938. 128 pages.
Arabic Translation: 1928.
Swedish Translation: 1930.
Urdu Translation: 1929.

Report of a Visit to India and Ceylon. September 23, 1927, to February 28,
1928. A.C.L.S.M., New York. 1928. 33 pages.

*File: Across the World of Isl_m. Fleming H. Revell, New York. 1st Edition
1929; 2nd Edition, 1932. 382 pages.

Thinking Missions with Christ. Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rap-
ids, Michigan. 1st Edition, 1934; 3rd Edition, 1935.

The Origin of Religion. Cokesbury Press, Nashville, Tenn. 1st Edition,
1935. 2nd Edition, 1936. 3rd Revised Edition, 1946. Loiseaux Brothers,
New York. 256 pages.

Taking Hold of God. Marshall, Morgan and Scott, London. 1936. 188 pages.
Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1936.

It is Hard to be a Christian. Marshall, Morgan and Scott, London, 1937.
159 pages.

The Solitary Throne. Pickering and Inglis, London. 1937. 112 pages.

Studies in Popular Isl_m. Macmillan, New York. 1939. 148 pages. The
Sheldon Press, London.

Dynamic Christianity and the World Today. The Inter-Varsity Fellow-
ship of Evangelical Unions. London. 1939. 173 pages.

The Glory of the Manger. American Tract Society, New York. 1940. 232

The Art of Listening to God. Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids,
Michigan. 1940. 217 pages.

*File: The Cross Above the Crescent. Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rap-
ids, Michigan. 1941. 292 pages.

Into All the World. Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich-
igan. 1943. 222 pages.

Evangelism Today. Fleming H. Revell, New York. 1st Edition, 1944. 4th
Edition, 1948. 125 pages.

Heirs of the Prophets. Moody Press, Chicago. 1946. 137 pages.

A Factual Survey of the Mosl_m World. Fleming H. Revell, New York.
1946. 34 pages.

The Glory of the Empty Tomb. Fleming H. Revell, New York. 1947. 170

How Rich the Harvest. Fleming H. Revell, New York. 1948. 120 pages.

Sons of Adam. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1951. 164

Joint Authorship

Topsy Turvy Land: With Amy E. Zwemer. Fleming H. Revell, New York.
1st Edition, 1902. 4th Edition, 1912. 124 pages.

Methods of Mission Work among Mosl_ms: With E. M. Wherry. Fleming
H. Revell, New York. 1906. 232 pages.

Moh_mm_dan World Today: With E. M. Wherry. Fleming H. Revell,
New York. 1906. 302 pages.

Our Mosl_m Sisters: With Annie Van Sommer. Fleming H. Revell, New
York. 1907. 299 pages.
Danish Translation: Odense, 1909.
Swedish Translation: Stockholm, 1908.

The Nearer and Farther East: With Arthur J. Brown. Macmillan, New
York. 1908. 325 pages.

Lucknow, 1911: With E. M. Wherry. Madras, 1912. 298 pages.

Zig-Zag Journeys in the Camel Country: With Amy E. Zwemer. Fleming
H. Revell, New York. 1st Edition, 1911. 2nd Edition. 126 pages.

Daylight in the Harem: With Annie Van Sommer. Fleming H. Revell,
New York. 1912. 224 pages.

Isl_m and Missions: Report of the Lucknow conference with E. M. Wher-
ry. Fleming H. Revell, New York. 1912. 300 pages.

Christian Literature in Mosl_m Lands: With a Committee. Doran, New
York. 1923.

Mosl_m Women: With Amy E. Zwemer. United Study Committee, New
York. 1926. 306 pages.

The Golden Milestone: With James Cantine. Fleming H. Revell, New
York. 1939. 157 pages.